Thursday, 5 February 2009

nearly rigged!

I got the driven keys set for the fingers, and it's all working fine. Had a bit of trouble with the right thumb, but it was only a simple case of re-orientating the joints before it was working fine. I also included a finger spread attribute. I made sure the joints were large enough to be manipulated manually through the geometery, as set driven keys disables the ability to set up attributes for the individual rotations. Of course with four fingers and a thumb, I wouldn't want to overload the channel box with attributes.

As for the antennae, I set them up with IK splines and one locator at the top to control the curve. I went with one controller as it gives it a more springy effect, rather than several controllers which would make it over-flexible. As you can see from the video however, it means that the antennae stay in a fixed position when they should be following the movements of the head. I need to resolve this, and quickly as we are already way behind schedule.


  1. good stuff Dave, though the antennia look like they may need to be able to bend more from the base, they sort of look like they bend from halfway down, but I'm only going on the video you posted. They need to be able to bend so the balls on top can touch his hat.

  2. Heres the crab UV map tutorial we were looking at and the bottom is one I just found that looks quite good.
