Almost finished with the rig now. I was contemplating having a go at an fk/ik switch for the arms as it's more reflective of industry practice, but decided against it due to the complexity. It would take up more time than we have, and isn't really necissary; in the industry it is used primarily because some animators like it fk and some animators like it ik- I only have one animator and he's fine with using ik.
The hand controllers work fine, the orientation is not a problem, and they rotate the way they should.
The spine and the head controller took up a fair bit of time though, as I didn't need to go through them in my last rig, so I resorted to the good old Tutorialized tutorial for help. The head controller was insanely complicated, making use of grouping, duplicate groups that are empty, orient constrains, and parenting- all just so when the hip rotates the head stays vertical. I don't fully understand what I did to be perfectly honest, I just followed the tutorial blindly and it worked. I would like to take the time to actually go through it thoroughly and understand how it works. Maybe the rig for the girl will be an opportunity to do this.
No problems with the spine, just a very simple IK spline handle setup, attatching locators to clusters off the curve. I locked off the rotational and scaling channels, as these are useless on a spline IK.
I still need to set up the driven keys for the finger movements, and the spline IKs for the antennae, but other than that this rigs nearly done.
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