I worked it out. Im so stupid it was so obvious and under my nose the whole time. The switch between hi-rez and low-rez on Moom had nothing to do with any of this complicated control-rig / bound rig stuff from Hyper-Realistic Creature Creation. No, I've been barking up the wrong tree. In fact it wasn't a tree at all it was a lamp post. Thats how far off I was!!
The solutions very, very simple. All I ever had to do was create a new attribute and set the data type to booleans. This creates an attribute that has only two values; on and off. All I then had to do was use the connections editor to link the attribute to the divisions level found in the polysmoothface input for the all models geometery. Again, I'm very glad I worked this out now before I carried on with the mammoth task of trying to figure out all that MEL scripting.
You may need to click on the images to enlarge to see what I'm talking about. I used Lil' G from our last project as an example of how this will work for this one. A simple attribute attatched to a controller is a nice and easy way to make it more accessible for the animator.
Thanx to Moom for the inspiration, but I actually worked this out while breezing through a tutorial on using set driven keys for a hand setup. I will post the link for this in the relevant post.
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