Thursday, 15 January 2009


Modelling reserach:
I will need to look primarily into facial modelling, and how curves can be used as an easy control device for blendshapes. I also need to determine wether it would be worth using nurbs to account for the low poly-count limit while keeping the surfaces looking smooth, and wether the use of nurbs would effect the painting weights or uv mapping.

Rigging research:
I need to find out if theres a way of using set driven keys, i.e. for fingers, without losing control over the individual joints. I would also like to investigate the possiblities of building a basic low-rez control rig for animation that is convertable to a high-rez polished rig for rendering.

Texturing research:
I need to find examples of claymation, as the brief states they would like to see designs based around traditional claymation. This should help me decide on how to texture effectively to the needs of the comission.

This should all be done by Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Dave, I think we should really consider looking into modelling with subdivision surfaces. As far as I've read it's better than NURBS and Polys, giving smooth faces with a low poly count. Pixar use it, enough said.
